From start to finish, Red House designs and builds bespoke projects that represent the highest level of quality, beauty, and efficiency in our field.
From start to finish, Red House designs and builds bespoke projects that represent the highest level of quality, beauty, and efficiency in our field.
Red House is committed to helping enhance the lives of our clients at every stage of the home renovation process. We make what’s important to them, important to us.
Our team of highly-skilled and dedicated professionals ensures we deliver the best solution to every project and for every client.
At the project level, this role reviews new projects with estimating, coordinates with the design team to ensure each design is buildable and within budget, and manages the day-to-day schedules of jobs under construction. Under this leadership, projects stay on time and budget.
As an integral part of the design team, a Lead Designer is responsible for developing creative and constructible solutions that satisfy client needs. Lead Designers guide projects through the schematic and interior design phases and prepare projects for construction.
“As a lead carpenter at Red House, I have a unique opportunity to observe both the design process and the implementation of the vision created by the team and the client. This affords a truly seamless process that allows me flexibility in decision making and access to our team of design professionals, crucial in remodeling projects where many on site decisions need to be made.”
– Aaron Crocker, Lead Carpenter
“Red House made accommodations for me when I showed interest in switching from the design team to the production team. They have fully supported the decision and are excited for my personal growth. I am beyond grateful to Red House for giving me the opportunity to pursue a different path within the company.”
– Connor Strom, Assistant Project Manager